We’re Facing a New World of Challenges. Lenore Has Solutions.

Is digital programming here to stay?
We need to be able to pivot and embrace the changes that the world has foisted upon us.  

Our board of directors is stuck.
Many directors have been around for years. They don’t regularly attend meetings, participate in committees or donate money. It’s time to do a bit of housecleaning, but we can’t figure out how to start.

Website best practices keep evolving.
But ours is stuck. It needs fresh eyes.

Audience demographics are changing.
We are so hungry for “butts in seats” that we’ve strayed from our mission. How can we refocus?

The format of our fundraising event hasn’t changed in years.
Although it meets our financial goals, it’s time for something fresh and new.

I get so involved in day-to-day operations that I lose sight of my own professional goals.
I need someone to help me see the bigger picture so I can advance the institution and myself at the same time.


Contact Lenore to find out how she can help you and your organization.